
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 78 [Kunci Jawaban]

Berikut ini merupakan pembahasan kunci jawaban Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 10 halaman 78 Pembahasan kali ini kita akan bahas latihan yang ada pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Writing Halaman 78. Buku siswa untuk Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas X SMP/MTS. Semoga dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban Pilihan Ganda (PG) dan juga Esaay Chapter V Let’s Visit Niagara Falls ini, kalian bisa menjadi lebih giat untuk belajar. Kunci jawaban ini diperuntukkan untuk para pelajar yang sedang mengerjakan tugas Kurikulum 2013 (K13). Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kls 10 Hal 78

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 78 [Kunci Jawaban]
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 78 [Kunci Jawaban]

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 78 [Kunci Jawaban]

Writing Halaman 78

Task 1:
Work in pairs. Complete the following chart to understand the structure of the descriptive text in the Reading Comprehension
Latihan 1: Bekerja berpasangan. Lengkapi bagan berikut untuk memahami struktur teks deskriptif dalam Pemahaman Bacaan

Answer :
Part of TextPurposesDetails
- To introduce
Niagara Falls
in general.
- It is the collective name for three waterfalls.
- The three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls,
the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls.
- The Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side
and the American Falls on the American side.
- They are separated by Goat Island.
- The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located
on the American side, separated from the
other waterfalls by Luna Island.
- There are various attractions that people can
enjoy in Niagara Fall.
paragraph 1
To describe Cave
of the Winds
- It helps people get closer to the falls. People
can get soaked on the Hurricane Deck.
- Waterproof clothing and sandals are provided.
- A trip at night is really amazing.
paragraph 2
To describe
Maid of the Mist
Boat Tour
- It is a world-famous scenic boat tour for about
a half-hour ride.
- People may access the tour via the
Observation Tower elevator at Prospect Point
in the state park.
- The boat operates mid-May until late October.
paragraph 3
To describe
- Tourists may enjoy the most powerful and
involving film experience.
- Audience members are given the priviledge
to discover the thundering Falls from a
completely new and exhilarating perspective.
- The theater shows hourly and free multi
language headsets are made available.
paragraph 4
To describe
Niagara Science
- It is a sanctuary for the preservation
and appreciation of old science
paragraph 5
To describe
Niagara’s Wax
Museum of
- Life-size wax figures are presented.
- Guests can see Fort Niagara Scene, Indian
Village, old store, blacksmith and barber shop
scenes and how electricity is made.
- Wax figures of Julia Roberts, Princess Diana
and much more are displayed, too.
paragraph 6
To describe
Rainbow Air
Helicopter Tours
- The tours start from downtown, next to the
entrance to the Rainbow Bridge, It opens
from 9 am-dusk when weather permits.
- The tours operate every day from second
weekend in May until October 31st.
To conclude the
- Niagara Falls are renowned both for
their beauty and as a valuable source of
hydroelectric power.
- Managing the balance between recreational,
commercial, and industrial uses has been a
challenge for the stewards of the falls