
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 25 - 26 Practice 2

Berikut ini merupakan pembahasan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut untuk Kelas 11 halaman 25 - 26 Pembahasan kali ini kita akan bahas Practice 2. yang ada pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Halaman 25 - 26 Buku siswa untuk Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas XI SMA/SMK/MA. Semoga dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban Pilihan Ganda (PG) dan juga Essay Unit 1 Legend ini, kalian bisa menjadi lebih giat untuk belajar. Kunci jawaban ini diperuntukkan untuk para pelajar yang sedang mengerjakan tugas Kurikulum Merdeka. Kunci Jawaban Practice 2 Hal 25 - 26 Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut Kls 11
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 25 - 26 Practice 2

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 25 - 26 Practice 2

Practice 2

Soal dan Jawaban :
Let’s learn more about past tense from a different story. Complete the story with the words provided. Put the words into the correct form and label the story structures.

wove, come, believe, live, get, call, help, come, learn, change, ask, turn

The Legend of Black Sea
Once, there was an old man who lived (1) on the shore of a beautiful sea. During the day, he would weave (2) nets and go sailing to catch fish at night. In his old days, he just lived just with his dog named Boley and his evil black cat named Serzhina.

Whenever the man called (3) Boley, he would immediately come (4) and do everything he was asked to do. While Serzhina just came (5) whenever the old man called her for meals. Boley began to dislike Serzhina for she did not help (6) as much as he did. The old man, however, always told Boley that he should believe (7) in Serzhina’s goodness and that she would change (8). One day, a disaster struck and the old man asked (9) both Boley and Serzhina to help. When Serzhina did not help, the old man lost faith in Serzhina’s goodness and threw her to the sea. The sea water turned (10) black, and since that day the fish being caught has gotten less and less. The old man and Boley got (11) hungrier and hungrier.

Until one day, the old man met a seagull who told him a lesson. The old man finally learned (12) that there is bad and good in everybody. However, when we choose to look for the goodness in everything, life will be filled with joy, just like nets filled with fish.

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